Development of Open-Source Software

R package containing various algorithms related to fuzzy logic: obtaining fuzzy association rules, composition of fuzzy relations, logical deduction (PbLD), and time series forecasting. The package also includes basic fuzzy-algebraic functions that can work with missing values (Bochvar, Sobocinski, Kleene, etc.), calculations of Sugeno integrals, and fuzzy transformations.
R package that provides an extensible framework for obtaining rules, anomalies, contrast patterns, and conditional correlations. Both Boolean and fuzzy data are supported. The tool generates conditions in the form of elementary conjunctions, evaluates them on a dataset, and searches for interesting statistical properties of groups of data that satisfy these conditions.
R package that allows managing computational processes of complex analytical tasks in R. The package makes it easy to generate a Makefile for the (GNU) 'make' tool, which controls the build process by (parallelly) executing commands for computation so that results are updated according to dependencies on changes in data or source files.

Updated: 27. 03. 2025