International cooperation
We solve various project and we are involved in bilateral agreements with scientific institutions.
Current projects
Projects in the Czech Republic
OP JAK No. CZ.02.01.01/00/23_021/0008759 Increasing the resilience of power grids in the context of decarbonisation, decentralisation and sustainable socio-economic development (1/2025 – 12/2028), of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
OP JAK No. CZ.02.01.01/00/23_025/0008724 Biography of Fake News with a Touch of AI: Dangerous Phenomenon through the Prism of Modern Human Sciences (1/2025 – 12/2028), of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
OP JAK No. CZ.02.01.01/00/23_021/0008591 The Social Dimension of New Technologies in the Energy Sector in the Ostrava Metropolitan Area (10/2024 – 12/2028), of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
OP TAK No. CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000497 24 VISION a.s. - Application 1 - Automation of quality control with elements of artificial intelligence in a hybrid environment (6/2024 – 5/2026), of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
OP TAK No. CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000590 Prototype system for visual inspection during mass production of polymer components using artificial intelligence methods (1/2024 – 12/2026), of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
OP JAK No. CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004583 Research of Excellence on Digital Technologies and Wellbeing (1/2024 – 6/2028), of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
OP TAK CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000787 Complex service for optimizing municipal waste collection based on heuristic methods (10/2023 – 9/2026), of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
OP Just Transition No. CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000048 REFRESH – Research Excellence For REgion Sustainability and High-tech Industries (9/2023 – 12/2027), of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Grant of GA ČR No. 23-06280S New approaches to forecasting of financial time series within fuzzy-probabilistic setting (1/2023-12/2025)
International projects
German-Czech project (DFG-GA CR) No. 24-10177L Fractional and fuzzy-fractional transport in disordered environments (7/2024 – 6/2027)
Completed projects
Projects in the Czech Republic
Grant GA ČR č. 22-01137S Metamathematics of substructural modal logics (1/2022 – 12/2024)
Grant GA ČR č. 22-00941S Sibling relationships in homeless children and their connection with resilience (1/2022 – 12/2024)
OP PIK CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/21_374/0026654 Artificial intelligence methods for automated medical images analysis (7/2021 – 5/2023), of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
OP PIK CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_147/0020575 AI-Met4Laser: Consortium for industrial research and development of new applications of laser technologies using artificial intelligence methods (10/2020 - 6/2023), of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Project OP VVV: No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008414 AI-Met4AI: Center for the development of Artificial Intelligence Methods for the Automotive Industry of the region (12/2018-5/2023)
Grant TA ČR č. TL03000005 Optimization of community planning of social services at municipal level (4/2020 – 12/2022)
Grant of GA ČR No. 20-07851SFuzzy relational structures in approximate reasoning (1/2020-12/2022)
Project OP VVV: No. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0017856 Strengthening the university's scientific capacities II (9/2020-2/2022)
Commercial Project Kasandra (12/2018-12/2021)
OP VaVpI CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070 Centre of Excellence IT4Innovations – sustainability (2016-2020) Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
Project LQ1602 IT4Innovations excellence in science (2016-2020)
Grant of GA ČR No. 18-13951S New approaches to financial time series modelling based on soft computing (1/2018-12/2020)
Grant of GA ČR No. 18-06915S New approaches to aggregation operators in analysis and processing of data (1/2018-12/2020)
Grant of GA ČR No. 18-10233S Social Adjustment of Homeless Children with the Experience of Domestic Violence in the City of Ostrava (1/2018-12/2020)
Project IRP No. 201824 Complex topological structures (1/2018-12/2020)
Project IRP No. 201821 Use of transdisciplinary synergy data science and fuzzy modeling tools and social work: Multidimensional Evidence Informed Practice (1/2018-12/2020)
Project TAČR No. TJ01000359 Desirable future and related factors as tools of applying the recovery concept to individual planning of asylum home residents (1/2018-12/2019)
Project TAČR No. TL01000351 Development of software for responsive evaluation and planning of community work as a tool for developing efficient and effective practice in the area of social inclusion (4/2018-6/2020)
Project OP VVV: No. CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/17_044/0008534 Support for the Development of the OU Learning Environment (1/2017-6/2019)
Project OP VVV: No. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_027/0008472 Strengthening the university's scientific capacities (1/2018-6/2020)
Grant of GA ČR No. 16-19170S Fuzzy Partial Logic (2016-2018)
Grant of GA ČR No. 16-09541S Robust numerical schemes for pricing of selected options under various market conditions (2016-2018)
Project of MSK DT1 No. 01211/2016/RRC, Strengthening international cooperation in science, research and education (2016-2017)
Project OP VaVpI CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070 Centre of Excellence IT4Innovations (2011-2015), of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
Grant No. IAA108270902 "Theory of Semilinear Lattice-ordered Spaces" of the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2009-2011)
Grant No. IAA108270901 Cardinality of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Quantifiers of the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2009-2011)
Research center 1M0572 Data, Algorithms, Decision making (2005-2011) of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
Research plan MSM6198898701 Logical and algebraical methods for processing of information under uncertainty and their applications in fuzzy modeling (2005-2011) of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
Project of the Ministry of Industry of the Czech Republic Fuzzy control of gas expansion turbine TEX for propulsion of asynchronous generator (2006-2008)
Grant of GA ČR 201/04/1033 Approximate reasoning and generalized quantifiers (2004-2006)
Grant No. IAA1187301 Theory of fuzzy functions and their representation of the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2003-2005)
Project of the Ministry of Industry of the Czech Republic No. FD-K3/033 Design and control of transformer of hydraulic head between mineral oil and water (2003-2005)
Research plan No. 179000002 Modeling of complex systems in fuzzy and uncertain environment (1999-2004), Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
Grant of GA AV ČR A1187901/99 Model theory in categories of fuzzy sets (1999-2001)
Grant of GA ČR 201/99/P060 Conceptual lattices and conceptual data analysis in fuzzy logic (1999-2001)
Grant of GA ČR 201/96/0985 Methods of learning in fuzzy expert system for control and decision-making (1996-1998)
Grant of GA AV ČR A1086501 Algebraic methods in fuzzy logic oriented to control and decision-making (1995-1997)
Project of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic VS96037 - foundation of the IRAFM institute (1996-2000)
International projects
Project Erasmus+ CBHE: Strengthening Teaching Competences in Higher Education in Natural and Mathematical Sciences (TeComp) (11/2018-11/2022)
Project COST No. CA17124 Methods of fuzzy modeling in the analysis of forensic digital data (10/2018-12/2020)
V4EaP Scholarship Programme - SN 51700967, Visegrad Scholarship Programme, Post-master's Scholarship for Oleksii Tyshchenko (10/2017-12/2019)
Standard Visegrad Project No. 21520043 Student IT&Math Conferences in Visegrad provided by the International Visegrad Fund (2016)
Bilateral Czech-Russian project No. LH12229 Research and development of methods and means of intelligent analysis of time series for tasks of strategic planning (2012-2014)
Grant No. N62909-12-1-7039 of the Department of the NAVY, USA, F-transform - A New Promising technique for image and Signal Processing: How to make it's Applications more reliable (2012-2013)
Bilateral mobilities in the frame of Socrates project with University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia (from 2009)
Bilateral mobilities in the frame of Socrates project with University of Catania, Italy (2001 - 2008)
Bilateral co-operation project Aktion 41p19 Advanced fuzzy modeling 6 months, JKU-FLLL, Linz, Austria, Martina Daňková, Martin Štěpnička, Radek Valášek (2005)
Czech-Chinese project in the frame of international cooperation No. 1P05ME739 Special techniques of soft computing for decision-making in management (2005)
Mobility partner of CEEPUS SK-42 Fuzzy logic (1997-2005)
Czech-Chinese cooperation KONTAKT ME-702 Special techniques of soft computing for decision-making in management (2003-2004)
Czech-Italian project No. 17 Fuzzy systems in soft computing methods (2002-2004)
Czech-Japan cooperation KONTAKT ME-604 Methods for Decision Support in Environment with Uncertainty, applications in economics and engineering (2002-2004)
Czech-German cooperation CZE 01/022 Fuzzy relations as tools for modeling industrial processes (2001-2003)
Czech-Japan cooperation KONTAKT ME-200 Methods for Decision Support in Environment with Uncertainty – applications in economics, business and engineering (1998-2001)
Czech-American cooperation KONTAKT ME-468 Stratigraphic simulation using fuzzy logic for the modeling of dispersion of sediments realized in the frame of cooperation on similar NSF project with SUNY, Binghampton, USA
Project of Czech-American cooperation in science and technology W-00016, organization of common workshop Current Trends in Soft Computing (2001)
NATO Advanced Fellowship, USA, Model theory for fuzzy logic in the foundations of soft computing, 9 months, Prof. Radim Bělohlávek (2000)
Post-doc fellowship, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA, 12 months, Prof. Radim Bělohlávek (1999-2000)
Research stay Research in pairs, 1 month, Institut für Mathematik, Oberwolfach, Germany, Prof. Novák, Prof. Perfilieva (1998)
Cooperation on the project EU COST, action 15 Many-Valued Logics for Computer Science Applications (1997-1999)
Bilateral agreements
Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling is involved in bilateral agreements with the following institutions:
- Artificial Intelligence Research Institute – CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
- University of Applied Science, Zittau/Goerlitz, Germany
- University of Latvia in Riga, Republic of Latvia
In case of an interest to co-operate with us on a bilateral agreement, please contact the institute director.
Updated: 19. 02. 2025