Public Lectures
- Dr. Vojtěch Molek lectured (as part of the Brain Week / Týden mozku 2023 event) at the Faculty of Medicine at University of Ostrava on the topic Use of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (Využití umělé inteligence v diagnostice Parkinsonovy nemoci.). Article in the online magazine of the University of Ostrava OU@live
- doc. Petr Hurtík presented Data is food for AI. What ingredients to use for the AI to enjoy? Four Weeks, Four Cities and Artificial Intelligence as part of the AI Days 2023.
- Ing. Petr Dvořáček presnted How can AI deceive us and how can we repay it? Four Weeks, Four Cities and Artificial Intelligence as part of the AI Days 2023.
- Dr. Vojtěch Molek presented AI as a businessman Four Weeks, Four Cities and Artificial Intelligence as part of the AI Days 2023.
- Mgr. David Adamczyk on Practical real-time demonstrations Four Weeks, Four Cities and Artificial Intelligence as part of the AI Days 2023
- Lecture "When AI Sees" with doc. Petr Hurtík and also a demonstration of technology for object detection in images (together with Eago Systems) at Future Forces Forum fair, 19-22 October 2022.
- Dr. Jan Hůla in 2021 presented a contribution on the topic From atom to civilization Jan Hůla | Od atomu k civilizaci | Týden mozku
- Presentation of the Mepac Melai laser engraving device with the help of artificial intelligence at the International Engineering Fair in Brno, 10-13 October 2022 - doc. Petr Hurtík and dr. Vojtěch Molek, together with the Mepac company. Report on
- Interview with doc. Petr Hurtík on the topic "Artificial Intelligence. Should we be afraid?" during the Meltingpot conference at the international music festival Colours of Ostrava 2022: Invitation to the interview.
Updated: 28. 03. 2025