Article Database


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Article No. 1440, Mirko Navara (Physique Theorique, Vol. 63, no. 2, 1995, 155-176) Uniqueness of bounded observables

Article No. 1439, Barbara Diaz, Tomohiro Takagi () PNL Applied to Economics

Article No. 1438, Costanza Crisconio, Daniel Donato, Giangiacomo Gerla (International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2004),) Similarity Logic and Translations

Article No. 1437, Radim Bělohlávek (Elsevier) Concept lattices and order in fuzzy logic

Article No. 1436, Mingsheng Ying (Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 43, No. 14 (July 1998)) Compactness in fuyyz logic

Article No. 1435, Mingsheng Ying (The Journal of Symbolic Logic. Vol. 59, Number 3) The Journal of Symbolic Logic

Article No. 1434, Mingsheng Ying (International journal of intelligent systems vol. 13, 403-418) Approximate Reasoning with Linguistic Modifiers

Article No. 1433, Libor Běhounek, Petr Cintula () What is Fuyzzy Logic

Article No. 1432, R.Kuhn, R.Menzel, W.Menzel, U.Ratsch, M.M.Richter, I.O.Stamatescu (Springer) Adaptivity and Learning

Article No. 1431, Vilém Vychodil () Ekvaciální fragment fuzzy logiky

Article No. 1430, J. Haslinger, Jedelský, D., Kozubek, T., Tvrdík, J. (Journal of Glomal Optimization 16, 109-131, 2000) Genetic and Random Search Methods in Optimal Shape Design Problem

Article No. 1429, Ray Turner (Juurnal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 52, Issue 2, 455-472) A theory of properties

Article No. 1428, Esko Turunen () Survey of Teory and Applications of Lukasiewicz-Pavelka Fuzzy Logic

Article No. 1427, Matthias Baaz, Agata Ciabattoni, Christian Fermuller () A Natural Deductin Systems for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic

Article No. 1426, A. George, P. Veeramani (Fuzzy Sets and Systems 90 (1997) 365-368) On some results of analysis for fuzzy metric spaces

Article No. 1425, Jiří Jan, Jiří Kozumplík, Ivo Provazník (16-th IECB 2002) Analysis of biomedical cignals and images

Article No. 1424, renata Smolíková, Mark P. Wachowiak, Georgia Rourassi, Jacek M. Zaruda (IEEE 2002) Neural Estimation of Scatterer Density in Ultrasound

Article No. 1423, Guiqing Chen, Peng Yan, Jiexun Li (FLINS02, World Scientific, 2002-4-18) Discovering association rules with degrees of support and implication

Article No. 1422, Guiqing Chen, Qiang Wei, De Liu Geert Wets (Computers & Industrial Engineering 43 (2002) 721-733) Simple association rules (SAR) and the SAR-based rule discovery

Article No. 1421, Guiqing Chen, Qiang Wei (Information Sciences 147 (2002) 201-228) Fuzzy association rules and the extended mining algorithms

Article No. 1420, Oto Ležak (Mathware & SoftComputing Vol 6, n.1, 1999) An Example of the Knowledge Based Controller Design and evaluation

Article No. 1419, Martin Mačaj (Fuzzy Sets and Systens 117 (2001) 363-376) Category metrics and valuations of concrete categories

Article No. 1418, Petr Hájek, Zuzana Haniková () A Development of Set Theory in Fuzzy Logic

Article No. 1417, Thomas Whalen (Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1364 (2003) 231-281) Paremeterized R-implications

Article No. 1416, Timothy J. Ross, W. Jerry Parkinson () Fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy Logic, and Fuzzy Systems

Article No. 1415, Oto Ležak (Mathware & SoftComputing Vol 6, n.1, 1999) An example of the Knowledge Based Controller Design and Evaluation

Article No. 1414, Petr Hájek (Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 96 (1999) 157-165) Ten questions and one problem on fuzzy logic

Article No. 1413, I. Kramosil (Neural Network World 5/01, 413-422) Inner and Outer Possibilistic Measures

Article No. 1412, Petr Hájek (Fuzzy sets and systems 124 (2001) 329-333) On very True

Article No. 1411, Petr Hájek (Studia Logica 68, 129-142, 2001) Fuzzy Logic and Arithmetical Hierarchz III

Article No. 1410, Lofti A. Zadeh () UC Berklez Computer Science Commencement Address

Article No. 1409, Radim Bělohlávek (Acta Univ. Palacki, Mathematica 41 (2002) 21-33) Convex Sets inf Algebras

Article No. 1408, R. Bělohlávek (Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 262, 473-489 (2001)) Fuzzy Closure Operatrs

Article No. 1407, Wang Guojun (Science in China (Series E) Vol.43, No.6, 2000) A universla theory of measure and integral on valuation spaces with respect to diverse implication operators

Article No. 1406, Guo-Jun Wang (Fuzzy sets and systems 97 (1998) 95-9) Fuzzy continuos input-output controllers are universla approximators

Article No. 1405, Guo-Jun Wang (Fuzzy sets and systems 95 (1998) 215-221) On the structure of value functional bag mappings

Article No. 1404, Guo-Jun Wang (The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics Vol.5, N.1, 1997) Logic Foundations of Fuzzy Modus Ponoens and Fuzzy Tollens

Article No. 1403, Guo-Jun Wang (Multi Val. Logic, Vol.7, 259-267, 2001) Antichains and Its Application to Enumerating regular Ternary Logic Functions

Article No. 1402, Wang Guojun, Fu Li Song Jiansche (Science in China (Series A) Vol 45, No.9. 2002) Theory of truth degrees of propositions in two-valued logic

Article No. 1401, Guo-Jun Wang (Information Sciences 117 (1999) 47-88) On the logic foundation fuzzy reasoning

Article No. 1400, Pei Daowu, Wang Guojun (Science in China (Series F) Vol 45, No.1. 2002) The Completeness and applications of the formal systems L*

Article No. 1399, Guojun Wang, Hao Wang (Information Sciences 138 (2001) 211-236) Non fuzzy versions of fuzzy reasoning in classical logics

Article No. 1398, Wang Guojun (Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol 42. No 18. 1997) A formal deductive szstems for fuzzy propositional calculus

Article No. 1397, Wang Guojun (Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol 45. No 2. 2000) Compactness theorems of fuzzy semantics

Article No. 1396, Ján Haluška (Tatra Mt. Mathematical Publications 12 (1997), 113-129) Uncertainty and tuning in music

Article No. 1395, Oto Strauch, János T. Tóth (Publicationes mathematicae, Debrecen, TOMUS 58. (2001)) Distributon functions of ratio sequences

Article No. 1394, Ladislav Mišík, János T. Tóth (Journal de theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 15 (2003), 309-318) Logarithmic density od sequence of integers and density of ist ratio sets

Article No. 1393, Oto Strauch, János T. Tóth (Acta Arithmetica 87 (1998), 67-78) Corrigendum to Theorem 5 of the paper Asymptotic density of A in N and density of the ratio set R(A)

Article No. 1392, Béla László, János T. Tóth (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis, Section Mathematicae 28 (2001) 55-60) On very porosity and spaces of generalized uniformly distributed sequences

Article No. 1391, József Bukor, János T. Tóth (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis, Section Mathematicae 30 (2003) 37-43) On accumulation points of generalized ration sets of positive integers

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