Article Database


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Article No. 1093, Novák, V., Perfilieva, I. (EUFIT '98, Aachen, Germany, 140-144) Functional Fuzzy Theories in FLb

Article No. 1092, Perfilieva, I. (EUFIT '98, Aachen, Germany, 145-149) Expressive Power of Fuzzy Logic Normal Forms

Article No. 1091, Thiele, H. (EUFIT '98, Aachen, Germany, 114-119) Interpreting Linguistic Hedges by Concepts of Functional Analysis and Mathemetical Logic

Article No. 1090, Nola, A. Di, Lattieri, A., (Submitted: Journal of Algebra, 1999) One Chain Generated Varieties of MV-Algebras

Article No. 1089, Nola, A. Di , Georgescu, G., Lettieri (Annals of Gödel Society, 1999) Extending Probabilities to States of MV-Algebras

Article No. 1088, Belluce, L. P., Nola, A. Di, Georgescu, G. (Journal of Applied Non-Clasical Logics) Perfect MV-algebras and l-ring

Article No. 1087, Dubois, D. (Computer and Arteficial Intelligence, 5 (1986), No. 5, 403-416) Belief structures, Possibility Theory and Decomposable Confidence Measure on Finite Sets

Article No. 1086, Boldrin, L., Sossal, C. (Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics. Vol. 7- no. 3/1997, 309-333) Local Possibilistic logic

Article No. 1085, Gabbay, Dov. M., Hogger, C. J., Robinson, J. A., Nute, D. (Clarendon press, Oxford, 1994) Handbook of Logic in Artificial Inteligence and Logic Programming

Article No. 1084, Wong, S. K. M, Yao Y.Y., Lingras P. (Gordon and Breach Science Publisher S.A. , USA, 1993) Comparative beliefes and their measurement

Article No. 1083, unknown (G. Fuzzy Days, Dortmund 1999) Characterization of Dienes implication

Article No. 1082, unknown (G. Fuzzy Days, Dortmund 1999) ART-based automatic generation of membership function for fuzzy controllers in robotics

Article No. 1081, unknown (G. Fuzzy Days, Dortmund 1999) On data summaries based on gradual rules

Article No. 1080, unknown (G. Fuzzy Days, Dortmund 1999) Fuzzy-Control Design Tool for Low-Cost Microcontrollers (FHFC-Tool)

Article No. 1079, unknown (G. Fuzzy Days, Dortmund 1999) Transformation and Optimization of Fuzzy Controllers Using Signal Processing Techniques

Article No. 1078, unknown (G. Fuzzy Days, Dortmund 1999) Applications of Fuzzy Logic to Discrete Dynamical Systems

Article No. 1077, Rosser, J.B., Turguette, A.R. (Book: Many valued logics, North-Holland, 1952) A Dialogue on many-valued logic

Article No. 1076, Ramík, J., Vlach, M. (Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1998) Pareto-optimality of compromise decision

Article No. 1075, Bělohlávek, R., Chajda, I. (Research report No. 5, Algebra Universalis, 1997) A Polynomial Characterization of Congruence Classes

Article No. 1074, Bělohlávek, R. (Research report No. 4, Neural Network World 1997) Backpropagation for Interval Patterns

Article No. 1073, Novák, V, Smolíková, R. (Research report No. 3, SOCO`97, Nimes, France) Elaboration of Learned Linguistic Descriptions in the Frame of LFLC

Article No. 1072, Novák, V. (Research report No. 2, Int. J. of Approximate Reasoning 1997) Open Theories, Consistency and Related Results in Fuzzy Logic

Article No. 1071, Novák, V. (Research report No. 1, Fuzzy Sets, Logics and Artificial Intelligence, Kluwer 1997) Formal Theories in Fuzzy Logic

Article No. 1070, Cignoli, R., Mundici, D. (Studia Logica 58: 79-97, 1997) An Elementary Proof of Chang's Completeness Theorem for the Infinite-valued Calculus of Łukasiewicz

Article No. 1069, Gerla, G. (Journal of Applied Non-classical Logics, to appear) Grader Cosequence Relations and Fuzzy Closure Operators

Article No. 1068, Ying, M. (The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 59, No. 3, 1994, 830-837) A Logic for Approximate Reasoning

Article No. 1067, Ying, M. (Zeitschr. f. math. Logic und Grundlagen d. Math. Bd. 37, S.533-537(1991)) Deduction Theorem for Many-Valued Inference

Article No. 1066, Ying, M-S. (Fuzzy Set and Systems 26 (1988) 357-363) On Stendard Models of Fuzzy Modal Logics

Article No. 1065, Ying, M. (Z. Math. Logic Grundlagen Math. 38 (1992), 521-524) Compatness, the Löwenheim-Skolem Property and the direct Product of Lattices of Truth Values

Article No. 1064, Ying, M. (Zeitschr. f. math. Logic und Grundlagen d. Math. Bd. 38, S.197-201(1992)) The Fundamental Theorem of Ultraproduct in Pavelka's logic

Article No. 1063, Hájek, P. (Report V737) Trakhtenbrot theorem and fuzzy logic

Article No. 1062, Wang, G. (Science in China (Serie E), Vol.41, No.2, 1998) Theory of `Sigma' (`alpha'-tautologies) in revised Kleene systems

Article No. 1061, Wang, G-J. (Fuzzy set and Systems 95 (1998) 215-221) On the structure of value functional bag mappings

Article No. 1060, Wang, G. (Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.42, No.18, 1997) A formal deductive system for fuzzy propositional calculus

Article No. 1059, Schlegel, M. (Automatizace 41 (1998) č.2, 70-78) Nová metoda pro návrh PI(D) regulátoru-teorie pro praxi

Article No. 1058, Achs, A. (Acta Cybernetica 13 (1997) 85-102) Evaluation Strategies of Fuzzy Datalog

Article No. 1057, Shimojima, K., Fukuda, T., Hasegawa, Y. (Fuzzy set and Systems 71 (1995) 295-309) Self-tuning fuzzy modeling with adaptive membership function, rules, and hierarchical structure based on genetic algorithm

Article No. 1056, Ishibuchi, H., Nozaki, K., Yamamoto, N., Tanaka, H. (IFSA World Congress (1993), 15-18) Genetic Operations for Rule Selection in Fuzzy Classification Systems

Article No. 1055, Park, S-H.,Kim, Y-H., Choi, Y-K., Cho, H-Ch., Jeon, H-T. (IFSA World Congress (1993), 881-886) Self-Organization of Fuzzy Rule Base Using Genetic Algorithm

Article No. 1054, Nelles, O. (EUFIT`96, Aachen, Germany, 489-493) FUREGA-Fuzzy Rule Extraction by a Genetic Algorithm

Article No. 1053, Hájek, P. (Technical report No. V736, 1996) Basic fuzzy logic and BL-algebras

Article No. 1052, Zadeh, L.A. (IEEE Transaction on Fuzzy System, vol.4, No.2, 1996, 103-111) Fuzzy Logic=Computing wits Words

Article No. 1051, Zadeh, L.A. (IEEE Transaction on System, Man, and Cybernetics, 1998, 7-8) Editorial OC-Berkeley Computer Science Commencement Adress

Article No. 1050, Zadeh, L.A. (Multi. Val. Logic, 1996, Vol.1, pp.1-38) Fuzzy Logic and the Calculi of Fuzzy Rules And Fuzzy Graphs: A Precis

Article No. 1049, unknown (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosohy (file:///E) Vagueness

Article No. 1048, unknown (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosohy (file:///E) Sorites Paradox

Article No. 1047, Palm, R. (IEEE`92, 519-526) Sliding Mode Fuzzy Control

Article No. 1046, Hellendoorn, H., Palm, R. (Fuzzy set and Systems 63 (1994) 245-269) Fuzzy systém technologies at Siemens R&D

Article No. 1045, Palm, R. (IEEE`95, 116-123) Scaling of Fuzzy Controllers Using the Cross-Correlation

Article No. 1044, Palm, R. (IEEE`95, 301-308) Signal distributions in fuzzy control loops

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