Article Database


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Article No. 1230, J. Echanobe, J. R. Garitagoitia, J. R. González de Mendívil (EUSFLAT 99, Mallorca) Deformed Fuzzy Automata for the Text Error Correction Problem

Article No. 1229, Aida Valls, Vicenc Tora (EUSFLAT 99, Mallorca) Reaching consensus when experts use different linguistic terms

Article No. 1228, Nilesh N.Karnik and Jerry M. Mendel, Fellow, IEEE (Signal and Image Processing Institute University of Southern California) Applications of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems When Knowledge is Collected from Surveys

Article No. 1227, R. Caponetto, M. Lavorgna, L. Occhipinti, A. Di Nola, L. Fortuna () Fuzzy Cellular Systems are Universal in the sense of Turing Machines

Article No. 1226, J. L. Castro and E. Trillas (Mathware & Soft Computing 5 (1998) 23-37) The Logic of Neural Networks

Article No. 1225, Helmut Thiele (Knowledge-based intelligent electronic systems KES 97) Investigating Approximate Reasoning and Fuzzy Control by Concepts of Functional Analysis

Article No. 1224, Helmut Thiele (ISMVL 99 supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) On the Concept of Qualitative Fuzzy Set

Article No. 1223, Helmut Thiele (Second International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems.) On Semantic Models for Investigating ""Computing with Words

Article No. 1222, Helmut Thiele (6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT 98) Aachen, Germany) Interpreting linguistic hedges by concepts of functional analysis and mathematical logic

Article No. 1221, Helmut Thiele (Knowledge-based intelligent electronic systems KES 98) Towards Axiomatic Foundations for Defuzzification Theory

Article No. 1220, Tetsuya Murai (IFSA 99 supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) On an Interpretation of Some Real-Valued Logics by Means of Probability Theory

Article No. 1219, Helmut Thiele (The twenty-eight international symposium on multiple-valued logic) On Closure Operators in Fuzzy Algebras and Fuzzy Deductive Systems

Article No. 1218, Codrin Bucur, Marilena Arsenie, Gregor Novak and Man Wook Han (Institute for Handling Devices and Robotics, Vienna University of Technology) A new robot soccer systém - IHRT

Article No. 1217, A. Weckenmann, A. Schwan, Erlangen (QFM Erlangen 1999) Fuzzygestutzes Bewertungsmodel fur die Entwicklung umweltvertraglicher Produkte und Prozesse

Article No. 1216, Antonio Di Nola, Ada Lattieri (Instituto di Matematica, Facolta di Architectura, Universita di Napoli) Equantional characterization of all varieties of MV-algebras

Article No. 1215, Masahiro Inuiguchi and Tetsuzo Tanino (Department of Electronics and Information Systems Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) Level Cut Conditioning Approach to the Necessity Measure Specification

Article No. 1214, Hashim Habiballa (Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava) Problem Solving Through First-Order Logic

Article No. 1213, S. D. Kozlov and S. V. Dronov (Mathematical Notes, Vol. 61, No. 6, 1997) Generators of sigma and pi-Classes

Article No. 1212, Petr Hájek, Lluis Godo, Francesc Esteva (Mathematical Logic (1996) 35: 191-208) A complete many-valued logic with product-conjunction

Article No. 1211, Junzo Watada (School of Industrial Managment, Osaka Institute of Technology) Soft-Computing Approaches to Portfolio Selection

Article No. 1210, Junzo Watada (School of Industrial Managment, Osaka Institute of Technology) Fuzzy Data Analysis

Article No. 1209, Jiří Ivánek (Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Springer Verlag 1999, LNAI 1794, pp. 116-124) On the Correspondence between Classes of Implicational and Equivalence Quantifiers

Article No. 1208, Adolfo R. de Scoto, Enric Trillas (International journal of intelligent systems, vol. 14, 295-303 (1999)) On Antonym and Negate in Fuzzy Logic

Article No. 1207, Sukhamay Kundu, Jianhua Chen (Fuzzy Sets and Systems 95 (1998) 369-379) Fuzzy logic or Lukasiewicz logic: A clarification

Article No. 1206, Hiroakira Ono (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)(1) No. 10440027) Logics without contraction rule and residuated lattices I

Article No. 1205, Bohdan S. Butkiewicz (IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 28 No. 6, 12. 1998) Steady-State Error of a Systém with Fuzzy Controller

Article No. 1204, Jaromír Kovář (Inteligentní řízení, automatizace 41 (1998) č. 8) Fuzzy regulace v praxi

Article No. 1203, Erich Peter Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap (Kybernetika 2000) Generated Triangular Norms

Article No. 1202, Oliver van Laak, Thomas Möllers, Hans-Jörg Wenz (Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis 7 (1999) 47-60) Multi Regional State Space Systems - Controller Design and Stability

Article No. 1201, Thomas Möllers (Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis 7 (1999) 61-70) Fuzzy Controller Design Based on Stability Criteria

Article No. 1200, Helmut Thiele (Bernd Reusch, Karl-Heinz Temme (Eds.), Computational Intelligence in Theory and Practice. 1999) Generalizing the Explicit Concept of Rough Set on the Basis of Modal Logic

Article No. 1112, Thiele, H. (Proc. IPMU, Paris, 1998, 1798-1805) Axiomatic Considerations of the Consepts of R- Implication and T-Norm

Article No. 1111, Thiele, H. (Proc. ISMVL '97, Canada, 1997, 183-188) On the Mutual Definability of Classes of Generalized Negations and S-Norms

Article No. 1110, Thiele, H., Temme, K. -H. (unknown) Estimations and Aximatic Considerations on (3-ary) QL-Implications

Article No. 1109, Black, M. (Int. J. General Systems, Vol. 17, 107-128) Vagueness: An Exercise in Logical Analysis

Article No. 1108, Kostelanský, J. (unknown) Fuzzy zhluková analýza v procese spracovania informacií

Article No. 1107, Hajek, P., Paris, J., Shepherdson, J. (unknown) The liar paradox and fuzzy logic

Article No. 1106, Gregov, A., Babuška, R., Verbruggen, H. (World Congress IFAC '99, Beijing 1999) Linguistic Analysis of Interactions in MIMO Fuzzy Systems

Article No. 1105, Li, Q., Babuška, R., Verhaegen, M. (World Congress IFAC '99, Beijing 1999) Adaptive Output Tracking of Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Networks

Article No. 1104, Jiang, W., Xianlai, W., Yi, Y. (World Congress IFAC '99, Beijing 1999) Fast Fuzzy Orthogonal Least Square Algorithm

Article No. 1103, Ferreira, E. P., Lamego, M. M., Widrow, B. (World Congress IFAC '99, Beijing 1999) Neurointerfaces for Semi- Autonomous Object Moving Systems

Article No. 1102, He, S., Wu, Q., Sepehri, N. (World Congress IFAC '99, Beijing 1999) Control of Base-excited Inverted Pendulums Using A Neural Inverse Modeling Approach

Article No. 1101, Carbonell, P., Navarro, J.L. (World Congress IFAC '99, Beijing 1999) Local Model- Based Fuzzy Control of Switch- Mode DC/DC Converters

Article No. 1100, Lamego, M. M., Ferreira, E. P., Widrow, B. (World Congress IFAC '99, Beijing 1999) Neurointerface- Learning by Genetic Algorithms

Article No. 1099, Vukovich, G., Lee, J.X. (World Congress IFAC '99, Beijing 1999) Fuzzy Logic vs. Proportional- Derivative Controls of Flexible Menipulators- Comparison of Experimental Results

Article No. 1098, Ezzine, J., Lewis, F.L. (World Congress IFAC '99, Beijing 1999) Disturbance- Accommodating Neurocontrol (DANC)

Article No. 1097, Nazaruddin, Yul Y., Astrid, P., Samyudia, Y. (World Congress IFAC '99, Beijing 1999) Indirect Supervisory Adaptive Fuzzy Controller Desing for A Neutralization Process

Article No. 1096, Balestrino, A., Caiti, A., Zanobini, G. (World Congress IFAC '99, Beijing 1999) Identification of Wiener- type Nonlinear Systems by Laguerre Filters and Neural Networks

Article No. 1095, Kim, Y. D., Lee-Kwang, H. (IEEE '97, Vol. 27, No. 1, 45-55) High Speed Flexible Fuzzy Hardware for Fuzzy Information Processing

Article No. 1094, Nola, A. Di (EUFIT '98, Aachen, Germany, 120-134) The Role of Lukasiewicz Logic in Fuzzy Set Theory

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