Article Database


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Article No. 1289, P. Agliano, I. M. A. Ferreirim and F. Montagna (Preprint) Basic hoops: an algebraic study of continuous t-norms

Article No. 1288, J. Sichler and V. Trnková (J. Austral. Math. Soc. (series A) 66 (1999), 255-286) Representations of algebraic theories by continuous maps

Article No. 1287, Tomasz Kowalski and Hiroakira Ono (Preprint) The variety of residuated lattices is generated by its finite simple members

Article No. 1277, Francisco Herrera, Luis Martinez (IEEE - Traus on Fuzzy Systems 1999) A 2-tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Representation Model for Computing with Words

Article No. 1276, Petr Hájek (Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 96 (1999) 157-165) Ten questions and one problem on fuzzy logic

Article No. 1275, Athanassions Tzouvaras (Fuzzy Šest and Systems 94 (1998) 385-396) Modeling vagueness by nonstandardness

Article No. 1274, Petr Musílek and Madan M. Gupta (International Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, 1999) Fuzzy Neural Models Based on Some New Fuzzy Arithmetic Operations

Article No. 1273, Petr Musílek and Madan M. Gupta (Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XVII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, SPIE 3522) Adaptive fuzzy approach for modeling of operationnal space for autonomous mobile robots

Article No. 1272, Petr Musílek and Madan M. Gupta (Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems N. K. Sintha et al. (eds.)) Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems

Article No. 1271, Szilveszter Kovács - László T. Kóczy (Tatra Mountains Math. Publ. 16 (1999), 325-338) Application of an approximate fuzzy logic controller in an agv steering systém, path tracking and collision avoidance strategy

Article No. 1270, Vladik Kreinovich, Hung T. Nguyen, David A. Sprecher (International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems Vol. 4, No. 4 (1996)) Normal forms for fuzzy logic - an application of Kolmogorov's theorem

Article No. 1269, Hung T. Nguyen, Olga M. Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich (International Journal of intelligent systems, Vol. 11, 295-326 (1996)) Is the Success of Fuzzy Logic Really Paradoxical?: Toward the Actual Logic Behind Expert Systems

Article No. 1268, H. T. Nguyen, V. Kreinovich (Soft Computing. A fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications. Volume 1, No 4, 12. 1997) Using Gelfond-Przymusinska's epistemic specifications to justify (some) heuristic methods used in expert syssstems and intelligent control

Article No. 1267, Helmut Thiele (FSTA2000-Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and its Applications. Liptovsky Mikulas) On Fuzzy Clustering with Variable Boundary Conditions

Article No. 1266, Helmut Thiele (The twenty-ninth IEEE international symposium on multiple-valued logic) On the Concept of Qualitative Fuzzy Set

Article No. 1265, S. D. Kozlov, S. V. Dronov (Matematicheckie zametki, T. 61, s. 6) O porozhdajushchich sigma- i pi-klassov

Article No. 1264, () Neuronale Netze zur stastistischen versuchsplanung und zur prozesfuhrung

Article No. 1263, () Rezepturoptimierung mit neuronalen netzen

Article No. 1262, () Syntactic Disambiguation of Extraplsitions

Article No. 1261, () On Two Types of L^M Fuzzy Lattices

Article No. 1260, () COST action no. 15 - WG 3

Article No. 1259, Etienne E. Kerre and Martine De Cock (Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing 1999) Linguistic modifiers: an overview

Article No. 1258, Hiroyuki Watanabe, James R. Symon, Wayne D. Dettloff, Kathy E. Yount (1991 IEEE) VLSI Fuzzy Chip and Inference Accelerator Board Systems

Article No. 1257, Didier Dubois and Henri Prade (Artificial Intelligence 50 (1991) 223-239, Elsevier) Epistemic entrenchment and possibilistic logic

Article No. 1256, Loredana Biacino and Gangiacomo (Fuzzy Sets and Systems 45 (1992) 161-168, North-Holland) Fuzzy subsets: A constructive approach

Article No. 1255, Steve Minnis (Speech Synthesis and Applications Group, BT Labs) Prediction of Prosodic Segmentation Using Probabilistic Methods

Article No. 1254, Susanne Kronenberg, Franz Kummert (University of Bielefeld, Technische Fakultat Bielefeld, AG Angewandte Informatik) Soft Unification: Towards Robust Parsing of Spontaneous Speech

Article No. 1253, Ming-Tzaw Lin and Ching-Kuen Lee (Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing) Applying Fuzzy Rules for the Consonant Classification of Mandarin Syllabes. Speech Recognition

Article No. 1252, Hiromi Ban and Takashi Oyabu (Faculty of Humanities, Toyama University of International Studies) Identification of the Genre of English Writings by Fuzzy Reasoning

Article No. 1251, Hanmin Jung, Youngkil Kim, Sanghwa Yuh, Sung-Kwon Choi, and Sangkyu Park (Knowledge Processing Team, Department of Natural Language Processing) Pre-fail Softener Including Tagging Post-processing with a Unified Rule Table

Article No. 1250, Chul-Min Sim, Taewan Kim, Sanghwa Yuh, Hanmin Jung, Sangkyu Park (Knowledge Processing Research Team, Computer-Software Technology Teams) A Multi-lingual Translation Server with Stochastic Language Identifier for the WWW

Article No. 1249, Hyun Jin Kim, Dong See Choi, Seong Joon Yoo (Natural Language Processing Department. Computer Software Technology Labs) Extraction of case frames based on V-A collocation and corpus data

Article No. 1248, Pum-Mo Ryu (Dept. Of Natural Language Processing, Computer & Software Research Labs) Two-Step Ontology Development Method for Natural Language Processing Systém

Article No. 1247, Mrs. Ela Kumar, Dr. (Mrs. ) Saroj Kaushik, Dr. Muinuddin () A context variant approach of refference handling in discourse

Article No. 1246, Li Jianmin, Chen Weijun () An approach combining pitch-synchronous overlap-add with unit selection in concatenative speech synthesis

Article No. 1245, Mi Seon Jun, Dong See Choi, Kyung Taek Chung () Method to Recover Root Form of Irregular Verbs based on Compound Verbal Endings Dictionary

Article No. 1244, Soo-Jun Park, Keon-Hoe Cha (Natural Language Processing Department. Computer Software Technology Labs) Korean Dialogue Systém

Article No. 1243, Samuel W. K. Chan (Department of Computer Science & Language Information Sciences Research Centre) Textual Segmentation by means of Lexical Cluster Identification

Article No. 1242, Chunyu Zhao, Bangchun Wen, and Xuejun, Han (School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University) Self-Organizing and Self-Learning Algorithm for Fuzzy Control Rules

Article No. 1241, Sung-Kwon Choi, Sanghwa Yuh, Chul-Min Sim, Sangkyu Park (Knowledge Processing Team, NLP Department, ETRI) Flexible Computational RGrammar to Enhance Translation Quality in Web-based Machine Translation

Article No. 1240, Burghard B. Rieger (Dept. Of Computational Linguistic - Fachbereich II: LDV/CL) Computing Fuzzy Semantic Granules from Natural Language Texts

Article No. 1239, Ute Loerch (Computer Science Department, University of Auckland) Parsing Natural Language by using Agent-Oriented Modelling Techniques

Article No. 1238, Martin Kermit, Age J. Eide, Thomas Lindblad, Therie Linden, Inger Solheim () Steady state vowel recognition of speech sound using the O-Algorithm

Article No. 1237, M. G. Khayat (Dept. Of Electrical & Computer Engineering KAAU Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) Representation of Linguistic Semantics of Nominal Derivations of Arabic

Article No. 1236, Petr Hájek (Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences 182 07 Prague) Mathematical fuzzy logic - state of art

Article No. 1235, Petr Hájek (Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences 182 07 Prague) Logics for data mining (GUHA rediviva)

Article No. 1234, Petr Hájek and Martin Holeňa (Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences 182 07 Prague) Formal logics of discovery and hypothesis formation by machine

Article No. 1233, Giangiacomo Gerla (supported by the M. P. I. Of Italy 1986) Turing L-Machines and Recursive Computability For L-Maps

Article No. 1232, Giangiacomo Gerla (supported by M. P. I. Of Italy 1986) Decidability, Partial Decidability and Sharpness Relation for L-Subsets

Article No. 1231, Ulrich Hohle (Studia Logica 61, 1998. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.) GL-Quantales: Q-Valued Sets and Their Singletons

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