Article Database


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Article No. 807, Benfehart, S., Dubois, D., Prade, H (Rapport IRIT/93-49-R) Argumentative inference in uncertain and inconsistent knowledge bases

Article No. 806, Benfehart, S., Cayrol, C., Dubois, D. et al (Rapport IRIT/93-49-R) Inconsistency management and prioritized syntax-based entailment

Article No. 805, Benfehart, S., Dubois, D., Prade, H (Rapport IRIT/93-49-R) Possibilistic Logic: From nonmonotonicity to Logic Programming

Article No. 804, Dubois, D., Prade, H (Rapport IRIT/93-49-R) Conditional objects as nonmonotonic consequence relations

Article No. 803, Dubois, D., Prade, H (Rapport IRIT/93-49-R) Possibility Theory, Belief Revision and Non-Monotonic Logic

Article No. 802, Dubois, D., Prade, H. (Rapport IRIT/93-49-R) Probability in automated reasoning : from numerical to symbolic approaches

Article No. 801, Močkoř, J. (slides for MME´95 Ostrava) General Theory of Decision Methods

Article No. 800, Maeda, Y., Tanabe, M., Yuta, M. (IFES'91) Demonstration of Macro Behavior-Decision on Intelligent Autonomous Mobile Robot

Article No. 799, Yamaguchi, T., Goro, T., Doya, K. etc (IFES'91) Helicopter Hovering Flight and Circle Flight Operated by Fuzzy Associative Nenory System

Article No. 798, Sugeno, M., Murofushi, T., Nishino, J., Miwa (IFES'91) Helicopter Flight Control Based on Fuzzy Logic

Article No. 797, Terai, H., Abe, S., Kondoh, S. etc (IFES'91) Application of Fuzzy Logic Technology to Home Appliances

Article No. 796, Iokibe, T., Kimura, T., Sasaki, H. (IFES'91) Human Friendly Fuzzy Transportation System

Article No. 795, Hájek, P., Kohout, L. () Fuzzy implications and generalized quantifiers

Article No. 794, Turunen, E.. (Math. Logic Quarterly 41 (95)) Well-Defined Fuzzy Sentential Logic

Article No. 793, Hájek, P. (unknown) A Many-Valued Modal Logic - Draft

Article No. 792, Höhle, U. (unknown) Monoidal Logic

Article No. 791, Thiele, H. (ISMVL, Santiago dl Compostela 96) On Isomorphisms between the Lattice of Tolerance Relations and Lattices of Clusterings

Article No. 790, Sgall, P. (Karlovy Vary St. in Reference...,1995) From Meaning via Referenec to Content

Article No. 789, Yamakawa, T. (J. of Biotechnology, 24 1992) A fuzzy logic controller

Article No. 788, Horáček, P., Binder, Z., Thollot, J. (unknown) Hydraulic Test Bench System

Article No. 787, Babuška, R., Verbruggen, H.B. (SICICA'94, Budapešt´) Fuzzy Modeling and Its Application to Nonlinear Control

Article No. 786, Babuška, R., Verbruggen, H.B. (Subb. to ICQFN'94 Barcelona) Open Questions in Fuzzy Modeling

Article No. 785, Dubois, D., Lang, J., Prade, H. (Handbookof Logic in AI and Logic Prog., Oxford94) Possibilistic Logic

Article No. 784, Dubois, D., Prade, H. (Artificial Intelligence 50 (1991)) Epistemic entrenchment and possibilistic logic

Article No. 783, Dubois, D., Prade, H. (in: Belief Revision, Cambridge UP) Belief Change and Possibility Theory

Article No. 782, Dubois, D., Prade, H. (Proc of IJC I-91, Sydney) Possibilistic logic, preferential models, non-monotocity and related issues

Article No. 781, Dubois, D., Lang, J., Prade, H. (Proc. of Logic Programming, Paris) Towards Possibilistic Logic Programming

Article No. 780, Dubois, D., Lang, J., Prade, H. (in: Truth Maintenance Systems, Springer 90) A Possibilistic Assumption-Based Truth Maintenance System with Uncertain Justifications

Article No. 779, Lang, J., Dubois, D., Prade. H. (UAI'91, Los Angeles) A Logic of Graded Possibility and Certainty Coping with Partial Inconsistency

Article No. 778, Dubois, D., Lang, J., Prade, H. (ECAI'92 Vienna) Dealing with multi-source information in possibilistic logic

Article No. 777, Hájek, P., Godo, L., Esteva, F. (unknown) A complete many-valued logic with produst-conjunction

Article No. 776, Rondeau, L., Ruelas, R., Levrat, E., Lamotte (EUFIT '95) Fuzzy Rules Learning Method

Article No. 775, Rondeau, L, Dubois, G., Levrat, E. (unknown) Le probleme dela defuzzification en identification par le modele flou de Mamdami

Article No. 774, Perfilieva, I., Tonis, A. (unknown) Functional System in Fuzzy Logic Formal Theory

Article No. 771, Častorál, Z. (Diplomová práce, ZČU 1995) Programový systém pro automatické nastavování fuzzy regulátorů pro průmzslové aplikace

Article No. 770, Gottwald, S. (to app. Advances in Intell.Computing, Springer 95) An Approach to Handle Partially Sound Rules of Inference

Article No. 769, Hájek, P. (SOFSEM'95 Springer-Verlag) Fuzzy logic from the logical point of view

Article No. 768, Hájek, P., Harmancová, D., Verbrugge, R. (Int. J. Approx. Reason. 1994) A Qualitative Fuzzy Possibilistic Logic

Article No. 767, Hájek, P., Godo, L., Esteva, F. (UAI'95 Canada) Fuzzy logic and probability

Article No. 766, Piskunov, A.I. (Akademija nauk SSSR, 1990) Interpretacija nečetkich uslovnych operatorov v upravlenii nečetko formalizovannymi sistemami

Article No. 765, Piskunov, A.I. (Akademija nauk SSSR, 1990) Interpoljacionnyj princip pri postroenii modelej nečetko formalizovannych system

Article No. 764, (unknown) Shapes of Membership Functions

Article No. 763, Prati, N. (unknown) On the Notion of Fuzzy Set

Article No. 762, Batyršin, I.Z., Šuster, V.A. (Trudy po II, 1985) Struktura semantičeskoho prostranstva slovesnych ocenok postupkov

Article No. 761, Averkin, A.N., Nguen, M.Ch. (Techniceskaja kibernetika 5 1989) Ispolzovanie nečetlkich otnošenij v modeljach predstavlenija znanij

Article No. 760, Tzafestas, S.G. (North-Holland 1985) Applied Digital Control (2 kapitoly)

Article No. 759, Rommelfanger, H.J. (J.W.Goethe Universitat Frankfurt) PS Software FULPAL 2.0 - An Interactive Algorithm for Solvin Multicriteria Fuzzy Linear Programs

Article No. 758, Rommelfanger, H.J. (unknown) Fuzzy Logic-Based Processing of Expert Rules Used for Checking the Credit Solvency

Article No. 757, Půlpán, Z. (Acta Univ.Olomouc III 1994) Fuzzy pragmaticka informace

Article No. 756, Yamakawa, T. (Information Sciences 45 (1988)) High- Speed Fuzzy Controller Hardware System: The Mega FIPS Machine

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