Article Database


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Article No. 907, Thiele, H. (FUZZ-IEEE/IFES `95, Abstract in Conference Proceedings, vol. 3, 1391-1396) Investigation of IF-THEN Rule Based by Methods of Mathematical Logic

Article No. 906, Thiele, H. (Proc. Intelligent Technol. and Soft Comp., Romania 1995) On the Calculus of Fuzzy IF-Then Rules

Article No. 905, Temme, K.H., Thiele, H. (EUFIT `96, Abstract in Congress Proceedings, vol. 2, 939-945) On the Chaining of IF-THEN Rule Bases Interpreted by the Principle FITA - Extended Abstract

Article No. 904, Temme, K.H., Thiele, H. (Abstract in Conference Proceedings, vol. 1226, 168-178, 1997) On the Chaining of Fuzzy IF-THEN Rule Bases Interpreted by the Principle FATI ; II. The Case of Non-Singleton Inputs

Article No. 903, Temme, K.H., Thiele, H. (Abstract in Symposium Proceedings, 143-152) On the Chaining of IF-THEN Rule Bases Interpreted by the Principle FATI

Article No. 902, Lehmke, S., Thiele, H. (Abstract in Conference Proceeding, vol. 1, 641-645) On Fuzzy Circumscription

Article No. 901, Thiele, H. (Proc. 28th Int. Symp. on Multiple-Valued Logic, Fukuoka, Japan 1998) On Closure Operators in Fuzzy Algebras and Fuzzy Deductive Systems

Article No. 900, Thiele, H., Schmechel, N. (Abstract in Conference Proceedings, vol. III, 1383-1390) On the mutual definability of fuzzy equivalence relations and fuzzy partitions

Article No. 899, Thiele, H. (Abstract in Seminar Proceedings, 135-138) On Similarity Based Fuzzy Clusterings

Article No. 898, Thiele, H. (Abstract in Conference Proceedings, 198-204) On Isomorphisms between the Lattice of Tolerance Relations and Lattices of Clusterings

Article No. 897, Thiele, H. (Multi. Val. Logic, 1996, Vol 1, 85-123) On Mathematical Foundations of Fuzzy Cluster Analysis

Article No. 896, Thiele, H. (KES `97, Adelaide, South Australia 21-23 May 1997) Investigating Approximate Reasoning and Fuzzy Control by Concepts of Functional Analysis

Article No. 895, Thiele, H. (EUFIT `97, Aachen, Germany, September 8-11, 1997) Fuzzy Rough Sets versus Rough Fuzzy Sets An Interpretation and a Comparative Study using Concepts of Modal Logics

Article No. 894, Thiele, H. (Fuzzy Logic and its Applications, ..., 343-352, Kluwer Academ. Publ., Netherlands, 1995) On fuzzy quantifiers

Article No. 893, Čemerková, Š., Nowak, R., Ramík, J. (Sborník prací, díl 5., Karviná 1997) Predikce časových řad pomocí teorie fuzzy množin

Article No. 892, Rovatti, R., Baccarani, G. (Fuzz- IEEE `98, Anchorage, Alaska) Fuzzy Reversible Logic

Article No. 891, Zhang, W.-R. (Fuzz- IEEE `98, Anchorage, Alaska) Bipolar fuzzy sets (part II)

Article No. 890, Zhang, W.-R. (Fuzz- IEEE `98, Anchorage, Alaska) Bipolar fuzzy sets (part l)

Article No. 889, Reznik, L. (Fuzz- IEEE `98, Anchorage, Alaska) Intelligent Measurement as a Combination of Computational and Artificial Intelligence Methodologies

Article No. 888, Cignoli, R., Elliott, G.A., Mundici, D. (Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 101, No. 2, October 1993) Reconstructing C* -Algebras from Their Murray von Neumann Orders

Article No. 887, Mundici, D. (W. Hodges et al. (eds), Logic: from Foundations to Applications, Clarendom Press, Oxford 1996) Lukasiewicz Normal Forms and Toric Desingularizations

Article No. 886, Mundici, D. (Bicchieri, C., Dalla Chiara, M.L. (eds.), Knowledge, belief,..., 275-284, Cambridge Univ. Press 1992) The logic of Ulam's game with lies

Article No. 885, Mundici, D. (5th Workshop, CLS `91: Computer Science Logic, 272-277, Springer, Heidelberg 1992) Normal Forms in infinite-valued Logic: the Case of one Variable

Article No. 884, Belluce, L.P., Di Nola, A., Lettieri, A. (Rendiconti del circolo matematico di Palermo 42 (1993)) Local MV-algebras

Article No. 883, Sessa, S., Turunen, E. (unknown) On complete and strongly stonian MV-algebras

Article No. 882, Mesiar, R. (Fuzzy Sets and Systems 46 (1992), 301-303, North-Holland) Characterisation of possibility measures of fuzzy events using Markov kernels

Article No. 881, Mesiar, R. (Tatra Mountains Math. Publ. 3 (1993), 167-172) On the structure of Ts-tribes

Article No. 880, Mesiar, R. (The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics Vol. 1, No. 2, Los Angeles 1993) Toll Connectives

Article No. 879, Mesiar, R., Rybárik, J. (Tatra Mountains Math. Publ. 2 (1993), 185-192) Pseudo-arithmetical operations

Article No. 878, Mesiar, R. (Tatra Mountains Math. Publ. 6 (1995), 131-140) Differences on [0,1]

Article No. 877, Mesiar, R. (Fuzzy Sets and Systems 52 (1992), 97-101, North-Holland) Pseudofundamental triangular norms and g-t-tribes

Article No. 876, Mesiar, R., Rybárik, J. (Fuzzy Sets and Systems 74 (1995), 365-369) Pan-operations structure

Article No. 875, Mesiar, R., Sipos, J. (The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics Vol. 1, No. 4, Los Angeles 1993) Radon-Nikodym Like Theorem for Fuzzy Measures

Article No. 874, Mesiar, R. (Fuzzy Sets nad Systems 59 (1993), 35-41, North-Holland) Fuzzy measurable functions

Article No. 873, Mesiar, R. (J. of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 194, 477-488 (1995)) Choquet-like Integrals

Article No. 872, Mesiar, R. (J. of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol.174, No. 1, March 15, 1993) Fuzzy Observables

Article No. 871, Mesiar, R. (J. of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol.177, No. 2, August 1993) Fundamental Triangular Norm Based Tribes and Measures

Article No. 870, Mesiar, R. (Tatra Mountains Math. Publ., 1 (1992), 105-123) Fuzzy sets and probability theory

Article No. 869, Bendová, K., Hájek P. (Qualitative reasoning and decision technologies) Possibilistic logic as tense logic

Article No. 868, Stephan Lehmke (Forschungsbericht Nr. 635, University of Dortmund, Dep. of Comp. Sci., D-44221 Dortmund, Germany) On Logic of Uncertainity

Article No. 867, Binaghi, E., Madella, P. (unknown) Fuzzy Dempster-Shafer Reasoning for Rule-Based Classifiers

Article No. 866, Bordogna, G., Pasi, G. (Int. J. of Intelligent Systems, vol. 10, 233-248p, (1995)) Linguistic Aggregation Operators of Selection Criteria in Fuzzy Information Retrieval

Article No. 865, Bordogna, G., Fedrizzi, M., Pasi, G. (IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man. and Cybernetics - part A: Systems and Humans, vol.27, no.1, Jan.1997) A Linguistic Modeling of Consensus in Group Decision Making Based on OWA Operators

Article No. 864, Hájek, P., Paris, J. (unknown) A dialogue on fuzzy logic

Article No. 863, Mudi, R., Pal, N.R. (IEEE FS, 1996 III) A Note on Fuzzy PI-type Controllers with Resetting Action

Article No. 862, Correa da Silva, F.S., Kon, F. (Fuzzy Automation Engineering, 28) A Fuzzy Categorial Grammar for the Harmonization of Melodies

Article No. 861, editorial (Pattern Recognition Letters 17(1996), 1323-1324p.) Special issue on non-conventional pattern analysis in remote sensing

Article No. 860, Bordogna, G., Pasi, G. (Int. J. Aproximate Reasoning 1995, 12, 317-339) Controlling Retrieval Through a User-Adaptive Representation of Documents

Article No. 859, Binaghi, E., Brivio, P.A., Ghezzi, P., Rampini, A., Zilioli, E. (Pattern Recognition Letters 17(1996), 1399-1410p.) A Hybrid Approach to Fuzzy Land Cover Mapping

Article No. 858, Binaghi, E., Madella, P., Montesano, M.G., Rampini, A. (IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 35, no. 2, March 1997) Fuzzy Contextual Classification of Multisource Remote Sensing Images

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